Monday, April 4, 2016

Hashtag Devtalk

Oh geez, would you look at that? It's an entirely new blog! What's the deal with this, I wonder?

Well, actually, I don't wonder. I know exactly what's going on here, but perhaps you might be wondering what this is all about. What is this new blog, you ask? Why is there a new thing happening? You don't like new things; new things are scary and different. Don't worry, I shall explain everything very soon.

So if you're aware of my other blog, Hashtag Realtalk with J-Bird, you might already know me and my antics. You might also know me from wherever it was you found the link that you clicked which brought you here. If, by some chance, you don't already know me, you might want to stop reading for a second and buckle your seatbelt first. Don't worry, I'll wait. All set? Okay, cool.

The first thing you might ask is "Woah hey, where'd the hyphen in your nickname go?" It's gone forever, I'm sorry. Since I started making JBirdEngine, I've sort of phased it out because it's not syntactically correct to put a hyphen in a variable name or a namespace. I know this probably deeply offends at least one person. I did it specifically to spite you (no I didn't).

The other, more important question you might have is "What's this 'devtalk' business all about?" Well, I'm glad you finally asked, because otherwise I would've been rambling about stupid nonsense for this entire post without getting to my point. Seriously, what took you so long? You think I'm just here pretending to talk to an audience and doing things at a predetermined pace? Honestly.

While my other blog doesn't really have a focus aside from me kind of throwing words at the internet and seeing what sticks, this blog is meant to be a chronicling of some of the stuff that happens in my life as a developer. I'll be talking about stuff that I've made and cool experiences I've had, as well as offering anecdotes of time wasted in an attempt to make sure anyone reading doesn't make the same mistakes that I did. I really can't stress enough how much I want to help other people learn from my mistakes (I think I even wrote a post about it on my other blog). Let me make a mess of my code so you don't have to; I don't mind.

Some stuff you can expect soon:
  ~ Me talking about color theory, Bob Ross, and some stuff from JBirdEngine's color library.
  ~ Serialization in Unity3D: A Forced Text Adventure or How To Royally Git Rekt.
  ~ Step-by-step instructions on how to waste eight hours building lighting for a game.
  ~ And probably some stuff about making editor tools or generic helper functions, I dunno. We'll see.

I might also put up a post introducing myself as a developer so that you guys can get the gist of what I do--even if you don't develop stuff yourself. I want to make this blog just as accessible as my other one, so--while there will definitely be some technical jargon--I'm going to give my best attempt at entertaining a wide audience (and if there's ever a post that's super technical I'll be sure to warn you beforehand).

And that's about it, I guess. Hm? What's that? "Will you still be updating your other blog?" If I have something to talk about that isn't related to game dev, yes, I will be putting it there. I currently have a lot of topics to write about here, however; so I won't be writing any Hashtag Realtalks for a while (unless I decide to finish one of the drafts I've been working on for a little while; we'll see). Don't worry, though, I'm still going to write out the word "Hashtag" before all of my posts--because if there's one thing you can count on me for, it's running jokes into the ground.

And that's really it this time. I hope to see you all soon, and if there's anything you want me to talk about, you can leave a comment (or bug me about it in person or on social media if that's your game).

See you all soon!

P.S. The style of this webpage is still subject to change. I need to tinker with it a bit to make it better.

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