Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hashtag Reboot

Hey everyone! JBird here, coming back from the dead to break the long silence! A lot of stuff happened in rapid succession for a while there, and writing blog posts took a back seat. That isn't to say I haven't been working on stuff, I just haven't been able to write about it. I'll get everyone caught up with what projects I've been working on in a little bit, but first I want to talk about what's been going on with me.

I've lived in five different places since I graduated about ten months ago. Working as a seasonal employee and getting your end date extended multiple times will do that to a person, I guess. The moves have been hectic, but the folks over at 1st Playable Productions in Troy made it worth it. 10/10 would work for them again.

I also built a new computer and got an HTC Vive! Virtual reality is friggin' sweet, and I've gotten a few chances to develop VR applications for various platforms, but the Vive takes the cake when it comes to VR headsets. It lets you walk around in VR. Once more for the people in the back: you can walk around in VR. So cool! Details of my exploits with Vive development will come at a later date.

So what can you expect to hear about in the next series of posts?

~ Making a modular ship-builder for an Asteroids-like game.
~ Adventures with VR stealth.
~ The trials and tribulations of making a camera for a 2D sidescroller.
~ And probably some other stuff, I'd imagine!

I've also started doing a podcast thing with some friends. We're still trying to find a permanent home for that, but you can bet I'll plug the crap out of that when we've established it a bit more.

Anyway, more posts coming your way soon! Stay tuned!


(I just noticed that the only other posts I made to this blog were literally last April. Guess I just like doing dev blog stuff in April for some reason. Huh.)


  1. Hey! These blogs were cool/interesting to read! Did you move to a new blog? What are you so busy doing now that you´ve forgotten all about blogging??


Want to tell me something? I would say I'm all ears, but that'd be a gross exaggeration of my physical appearance.